Main differences between V2.1.1 and V2.2

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This version is essentially due to an update of the lower level libraries GENIUS V1.10.1 and PATRIUS] V4.6.

New reset option in the Copy/Paste menu

Thanks to the new GENIUS version, there is now a new possibility in the Copy/Paste/… menu with the "Reset" option that allows to set data to their default values.

Adding Copy/Paste/… for GPIntegrator widget

The menu Copy/Paste/… is now available for GPIntegrator widget.

GPAttitudeSequence default laws initialization

It is now possible to better customize the default attitude laws used inside the GPAttitudeSequence widget.

Anomaly corrections

  • There were some problems with the fact that, since V2.0, GENOPUS is able to store in a context file, both "Pivot" and "Display" data for orbital conditions using the GPOrbit class. Indeed :
    • if "Pivot" and "Display" frames were not the same, GENOPUS considered orbital parameters coming from the "Pivot" data and frame characteristics from the "Display" ones which was of course totally wrong.
    • if the user modified the context file not through a GENIUS/GENOPUS GUI, it had to modify both "Pivot" and "Display" data in order to keep consistency between both data.
  • Always using the GPOrbit class, when modifying constants (for example µ) of initial orbital conditions (even only the units), a conversion was done which was useless.
  • Wrong management of the GENIUS Observer/Observable interfaces in some widgets.