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GENOPUS widgets correspond to [PATRIUS] objects (for exampleGPAbsoluteDate for AbsoluteDate, GPOrbit for Orbit …). All these widgets are coded in Java using [[1]] functionalities for display but also read/write: it means that they will propose the possibility to store them via an XML file.


A main requirement for most of the GENOPUS widgets is the fact that they can be initialized:

  1. With no argument, meaning that all internal values have “by default” values
  2. With the corresponding [PATRIUS]] object

Getting PATRIUS objects

Another main requirement is the fact that most of GENOPUS widgets own a getPatriusObject() method allowing getting the corresponding [PATRIUS] object.

Some non graphical objects

Some classes are not widgets but more computation flight dynamics ones. Most of the time, their name start with “Custom”. In fact, they correspond to temporary classes that could be included in [PATRIUS] library but which are not available at the time being or available but with lacking methods (getters for example). Each time an equivalent class will be available with [PATRIUS] , the next GENOPUS version will link with it and the old “Custom” equivalent class will become obsolete.

Since V2.0 , only classes linked to events and maneuvers remains as “Custom”.