Main differences between V2.1.1 and V2.2

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This version is essentially due to an update of the lower level libraries GENIUS V1.10.1 and PATRIUS V4.6.

New reset option in the Copy/Paste menu

Thanks to the new GENIUS version, there is now a new possibility in the Copy/Paste/… menu with the "Reset" option that allows to set data to their default values.

Adding Copy/Paste/… for GPIntegrator widget

The menu Copy/Paste/… is now available for GPIntegrator widget.

GPOrbit and GPFramesConfiguration consistency

Thanks to the GENIUS Observer/Observable interfaces, it is now possible to manage consistency between GPOrbit and GPFramesConfiguration widgets.

GPAttitudeSequence default laws initialization

It is now possible to better customize the default attitude laws used inside the GPAttitudeSequence widget.

Anomaly corrections

  • There were some problems with the fact that, since V2.0, GENOPUS is able to store in a context file, both "Pivot" and "Display" data for orbital conditions using the GPOrbit class. Indeed:
    • if "Pivot" and "Display" frames were not the same, GENOPUS considered orbital parameters coming from the "Pivot" data and frame characteristics from the "Display" ones which was of course totally wrong.
    • if the user modified the context file not through a GENIUS/GENOPUS GUI, it had to modify both "Pivot" and "Display" data in order to keep consistency between both data.
  • Always using the GPOrbit class, when modifying constants (for example µ) of initial orbital conditions (even only the units), a conversion was done which was useless.
  • Wrong management of the GENIUS Observer/Observable interfaces in some widgets.