Main differences between V2.2.1 and V2.3.3

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This version uses GENIUS V1.11.4 and PATRIUS V4.8.

GPOrbit widget improvements and corrections

  • Previously, when the user modified the type of orbit parameters, if this type owned an anomaly as one of its parameter, this one went back automatically to a true anomaly or the one corresponding to the "Pivot". Now, the widget will keep the anomaly originally displayed.
  • On angles parameters, warning occurred when values are outside [-180 deg, +360 deg ].
  • Pattern for date offset entries have been improved.
  • Previously, when the user modified "n" or "lon" values for "H0-n" frames definition without selecting the "Deactivate conversion" option, the frame conversion was not done.

GPFramesConfiguration improvement

This widget now takes into account the possibility to use an "EOPs constant" option to keep the last value of EOPs when no ones are available after a given epoch. Moreover, the error messages have been improved, especially when using the GpOrbitConvertor tool.

GPCovariance widget

A new widget GPCorrelation (and some utilities methods) is now available which allows to work with correlation or covariance matrices.

GPForceModels improvement

GPForceModels has now the possibility to consider complex potential fields for third bodies (by using a new constructor).