Main differences between V1.2.1 and V1.3
A new argument has been added to the constructor with a boolean that indicates if the name of the geodetic point will be displayed or not.
CustomUS76, CustomMSISE2000
The ellipsoîd used as an entry is now mandatory a PATRIUS ExtendedOneAxisellipoid object and no more a BodyShape which is one of its interface.
It is now possible to define an attitude sequence more simply that using switches, using a single attitude law.
Moreover, the constructor has changed as it is also possible to define how the attitude laws list wil be displayed (one by one or all in a vertical lsits as allowed by the GENIUS GComponentList widget)
It is now possible to specify the list of available actions associated to the event. Moreover, when only one action is indicated, it does not appera on the GUI.