Quick Start
In this Quick Start page, we will see how (very easily) we will create an application to display and convert orbit data. Nevertheless, we assume that the user has already used the GENIUS library. Thus, he can refer to its own Quick start page. Of course, we also assume that he is familiar with the Java language as well as the Eclipse environment.
Create the test class
So, first, we have to create a class extending from the GPanel one with a main method ...
Adding display() and generic() methods
Then, you will have to add unimplemented methods display() and generic()...
Eclipse helps you to do it very quickly by clicking on the error sign:
You will obtain this:
Create a GPOrbit object
Then, create a GPOrbit object and decide to display it using the put() method:
Create a Frame
Create a frame using the GFrame class to put our OrbitTest panel inside ...
Do not forget to call to the PATRIUS_DATASET (to get for example information about time scales) else you will get error messages.
See your widget !
And when you will execute, you will obtain this:
Here is the code of this example (to copy it, if you want). Simple is'nt it ?
import fr.cnes.genius.exception.GException;
import fr.cnes.genius.lowLevel.GFrame;
import fr.cnes.genius.lowLevel.GPanel;
import fr.cnes.genopus.orbits.GPOrbit;
import fr.cnes.sirius.addons.patriusdataset.PatriusDataset;
import fr.cnes.sirius.patrius.utils.exception.PatriusException;
public class OrbitTest extends GPanel {
private final GPOrbit orbit;
public OrbitTest () {
orbit = new GPOrbit("MyOrbit");
public static void main(String[] args) throws PatriusException {
final GFrame frame = new GFrame("OrbitTest", new OrbitTest());
public void display() throws GException {
public void generic() throws GException {