How to call it
For using the GPCorrelation class, the developer has only to create such an object as is:
gpCor = new GPCorrelation();
gpCor = new GPCorrelation("widgetId", "MyMatrix");
We will get:
By selecting the type of parameters, we may enter data for correlation/covariance matrix for Keplerian/Cartesian/LOF cartesians parameters. The different displays will be:
- In case of Keplerian paramters:
- In case of cartesian parameters:
- In case of LOF parameters:
So we may have a covariance matrix rather than a correlation one:
If the initial correlation (resp. covariance) matrix is not null, a specific pop-up window will appear to ask for the type of conversion. A bit as for the GPOrbit widget, it will be possible to do this conversion between correlation and covariance matrices (but not between the different type of parameters) using a kind of “pivot” notion.
How to use it
Therei no exactly corresponding correlation/covariance matrices inside PATRIUS but GENOPUS gives some utility classes and methods to use them.
How it is stored
Here is the XML format: