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How to call it

For using the GPManeuverSequence class the developer has only to create such an object with these two possibilities:

  • With just two boolean parameters to tell
    • If the engines and tanks are locally managed or taken in an external data (as the vehicle one)
    • to tell if the maneuvers will be displayed one below the other one or just one (false) by one (true)
manSeq = new GPManeuverSequence(true, true);
  • Or with an additional parameter that corresponds to an absolute date which will be used as a reference date (for relative positioning of maneuvers).
AbsoluteDate date0 =
   new AbsoluteDate(2010, 1, 1, TimeScalesFactory.getUTC());
manSeq = new GPManeuverSequence(date0, true, true);


Reference date

First, the user will have to select a reference date. There are two possibilities:

  • custom”: a specific date will be entered by the user
  • external”: in that case no modification of the date is available as it corresponds to the date initially defined (note that this date may be automatically updated if the initial orbit date is modified).


Engines and Tanks

If the boolean setting the fact that the engines and tanks are locally managed, we will get these two buttons that will permit to get access to their definition. Note that the total available ergol mass is displayed (but not modifiable).


Then the user will have access to a list of maneuvers with all possibilities available with such lists (adding, removing, moving, duplicating …). Each maneuver may be an impulsive or a continuous constant thrust one.

EnginesList.png TanksList.png

Impulse maneuver

The user will have to define:

  • The name of the maneuver
  • The frame in which the maneuver is defined
  • The maneuver components (Cartesian coordinates or a norm and two angles)
  • The orbital event that will trigger the maneuver
  • The engine used taken in the list defined in the vehicle characteristics tab
  • The tank used taken in the list defined in the vehicle characteristics tab


Constant thrust maneuver

The user will have to define:

  • The name of the maneuver
  • The frame in which the maneuver is defined
  • The maneuver direction (Cartesian coordinates or two angles)
  • The orbital event that will trigger the maneuver
  • The criteria to end the maneuver (by duration or thanks to another orbital event).
  • The engine used taken in the list defined in the vehicle characteristics tab
  • The tank used taken in the list defined in the vehicle characteristics tab
