Current version

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This version is compatible with the version 4.4 of the PATRIUS library. As for the V2.1 version (not distributed), it includes some interesting evolutions basically linked to this new PATRIUS version and corrects some previous versions anomalies (see here and here).

Known bugs of this version (to be corrected in the new 2.2 version):

  • There are some problems with the fact that, since V2.0, GENOPUS is able to store in a context file, both "Pivot" and "Display" data for orbital conditions. Indeed :
    • if "Pivot" and "Display" frames are not the same, GENOPUS will consider orbital parameters coming from the "Pivot" data and frame characteristics from the "Display" ones which is of course totally wrong.
    • if the user modifies the context file not through a GENIUS/GENOPUS GUI, it has to modify both "Pivot" and "Display" data in order to keep consistency between both data.
  • When modifying constants (for example µ) of initial orbital conditions (even only the units), a conversion is done which is useless.